@Grumpy @FeelsGoodMan
I read quickly, forgive the hastiness. Two Answer - 1/ Practical 2/ Purist
1/ Practical
There's always that one guy with a "I got a bigger folder". No offense, enjoy your folder in peace. It was what over six or seven years no one bats an eye, now "I have big folder". Good for you mate.
Pack philosophy is two parted; completeness
but also longevity. All the scenes not very useful if you can't even snatch single one.
This has been established over in-depth surveying of past packs as well as multiple polls asking what the popular want by community here is.
There's ample examples of good content packs, which are dry now, because of poor choice of rollers / resolution etc.
Exception: If I'm missing a "sex" scene (B/G content), then I don't mind updating.
But do have the courtesy to share source. Here's a recent example of someone else who did this :
It is a bit inconsiderate to just throw non-constructive remarks like "It's incomplete". Doesn't help anyone, does it now?
Don't take it personally Mr Cat, you may actually be a pretty cool guy overall, not taking that from you.
2/ Purist Answer
If I was starting now, I might have created two separate packs, BG vs Non-BG ALL. But that boat sailed and miles to go before I sleep.
If not this, hope you find something interesting from other things I shared. Cheers!