Trap Quest [Release 10 Version 4.0] (Aika) [uncen] [2019, Anal, Oral, BDSM, Traps, Big Tits, Group, Toys, Watersports, Shemale, Gender Bender] [eng]

7-03-2023, 13:01
1.73 GB
Trap Quest Release 10 Version 4.0
Год выпуска: 2019
Дата релиза: 2019/03/08
Жанр: Anal, Oral, BDSM, Traps, Big Tits, Group, Toys, Watersports, Shemale, Gender Bender
Цензура: Отсутствует/Есть патч для удаления
Разработчик/Издатель: Aika
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: Оригинальная (лицензионная)
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: Release 10 Version 4.0
Язык игры (сюжет): Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Язык озвучки: Неизвестен/ Другой
Системные требования (минимальные): OC Windows, HDD 512 Mb, Windows Git
Описание: Trap Quest is an erotic turn-based clickable-text-input roguelike game which can be run in Windows, MacOS, Linux, and Android. Its premise is that you're playing a very difficult virtual reality game and your body and mind are transformed in response to the events that happen in the game while you search for the exit. The primary type of transformation in the game is 'bimbofication', a bimbo being a superficial person whose appearance, attire and behaviour is overtly sexually provocative. You can choose to play as male or female; for a male character this transformation can include sexual reorientation and/or actual biological transformation into a woman (depending on your game options selections) and will always include feminization, including the wearing of highly feminine and revealing clothing.
Доп. информация: В папке 4 версии игры, различающиеся отображением персонажа и рисовкой, примеры в скриншотах. Для запуска игры требуется Windows Git, который так же есть в папке отдельно.

Порядок установки

Запустить Git.exe из папки Windows Git, выбрать файл игры с форматом gblorb.

Скриншоты/Примеры (в виде превью)

Danaume Version

Keriax Version

Porn Version

Wonderfuller Version

Download Torrent - (1.73 GB)


Стаж: 9 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 760

Рейтинг: 8.94 

18-Мар-19 13:46:34 (спустя 1 час 44 минуты)


Мои комплименты за оформление! Игра классная, и очень обделена вниманием на нашем форуме.
Несколько месяцев назад игра стала играбельной (во всяком случае для меня), так как там переделали интерфейс. Он может все ещё "замусоренный", но в коим-то веке функциональный и более информативный, чем был.
Жду и надеюсь на onlyfuta-модификацию игры, которая заменит всех мужиков на девчат с членами. Но ещё больше хочется переноса игры на новый движ. Сама автор, размышляя на эту тему, говорила, что с одной стороны это может занять несколько месяцев, а то и полгода; но с другой: ограничения текущего движка всё труднее и труднее игнорировать. Пока, вроде переносом не занимается, по как-раз первой причине. Эх, а ведь как хотелось бы увидеть эту игру на Java какой-нибудь, более плавной и опрятной.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 13 лет 12 месяцев

Сообщений: 519

Рейтинг: 3.63 

18-Мар-19 14:01:32 (спустя 14 минут)


Это паблик версия или для патронов?
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 13 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 695

Рейтинг: 8.51 

18-Мар-19 14:14:50 (спустя 13 минут)


Паблик версия
Какой тогда смысл её выкладыватЬ, если она в свободном доступе на сайте лежит? Те кто знают инглиш и интересуются данной тематикой давно уже следят года 4 наверное уже.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 177

Рейтинг: 5.54 

18-Мар-19 14:19:39 (спустя 4 минуты)


Какой тогда смысл её выкладыватЬ, если она в свободном доступе на сайте лежит?
Смысл как раз в распространении. А ссылку на сайт, да, не мешало бы указать: trapquest.com
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 9 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 333

Рейтинг: 3.72 

18-Мар-19 14:25:29 (спустя 5 минут)


Паблик версия
Какой тогда смысл её выкладыватЬ, если она в свободном доступе на сайте лежит? Те кто знают инглиш и интересуются данной тематикой давно уже следят года 4 наверное уже.
Так можно сказать о 90% игр данного форума. Мне казалось что смысл форума не заключается в выкладывании только платных версий игр. Да и скачивают ее не 0 человек, значит кому-то все таки это нужно.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 173

Рейтинг: 10.73 

18-Мар-19 16:12:49 (спустя 1 час 47 минут)


По скринам чет всё слишком сложно.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 7 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 492

Рейтинг: 1.62 

18-Мар-19 17:16:42 (спустя 1 час 3 минуты)


Слишком медленно работает игра, очень медленно
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 8 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 462

Рейтинг: 10.59 

18-Мар-19 22:19:20 (спустя 5 часов)


Слишком медленно работает игра, очень медленно
Одна из причин, почему игру нужно переносить на новый движок. У Lilith's Throne таких проблем нет, хоть там и не обсчитывается движение мобов одновременно с ходом персонажа в пределах одной локации. В своё время из-за этого вообще играть не смог.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 854

Рейтинг: 4.67 

19-Мар-19 14:40:46 (спустя 16 часов, ред. 19-Мар-19 14:40:46)


Есть ли игры похожие на эту?
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 13 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 895

Рейтинг: 9.53 

20-Мар-19 08:27:02 (спустя 17 часов, ред. 20-Мар-19 08:32:02)


Есть ли игры похожие на эту?
Похожие в чём например?
Вообще, эта игра в активной разработке уже не меньше 4-5 лет, и снискала определённую популярность, но невидно, чтобы много людей пытались работать в жанре "eroge roguelike". Да и просто игр с интересными механиками трансформации и развращения не так уж много. В общем специфицируйте свой вопрос.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 12 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 394

Рейтинг: 1.16 

20-Мар-19 18:58:47 (спустя 10 часов)


Концовки так и не завезли?
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 5 лет 12 месяцев

Сообщений: 862

Рейтинг: 6.74 

20-Мар-19 22:55:25 (спустя 3 часа)


Концовки так и не завезли?
Есть описание последствий в конце игры, но настоящие концовки пока только для альфа тестеров, насколько я понимаю.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 9 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 227

Рейтинг: 2.10 

22-Мар-19 02:06:22 (спустя 1 день 3 часа)


Есть описание последствий в конце игры, но настоящие концовки пока только для альфа тестеров, насколько я понимаю.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 12 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 114

Рейтинг: 8.45 

22-Мар-19 15:47:24 (спустя 13 часов)


Тормоза дикие(((не играбельна
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 11 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 149

Рейтинг: 1.57 

23-Мар-19 01:18:30 (спустя 9 часов)


Хз на счет тормозов... Игра не шустрая, это да. Но и до лагов как в играх на юнити - ей тоже далеко. Что-то среднее скорей)
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 13 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 770

Рейтинг: 6.70 

28-Мар-19 05:17:49 (спустя 5 дней)


Git Fatal Error - Can't open gamefile
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 5 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщений: 338

Рейтинг: 3.24 

30-Мар-19 06:03:57 (спустя 2 дня)


когда перевод примерно ожидать?
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 18 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 851

Рейтинг: 7.39 

07-Апр-19 12:00:38 (спустя 8 дней)


когда перевод примерно ожидать?
Скорей всего никогда.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 13 лет 12 месяцев

Сообщений: 607

Рейтинг: 5.32 

15-Апр-19 19:11:55 (спустя 8 дней)


Джава так себе, но и на юньке пилить такое - из пушки по воробьям. Хотя...
Игра сама по себе структурно-то не сложна, чтоб движок сделать на другом языке/движке, а контент там стопудово просто перекинуть. Наверняка автору просто впадлу изучать программирование)) Ну и соответствующее непонимание как это оформить на чём-то кроме Git
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 17 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 852

Рейтинг: 10.72 

15-Апр-19 22:36:22 (спустя 3 часа)


Джава так себе, но и на юньке пилить такое - из пушки по воробьям. Хотя...
Игра сама по себе структурно-то не сложна, чтоб движок сделать на другом языке/движке, а контент там стопудово просто перекинуть. Наверняка автору просто впадлу изучать программирование)) Ну и соответствующее непонимание как это оформить на чём-то кроме Git
Скорее автор не умеет в оптимизацию. Есть множество схожих игр, работающие без тормозов. И да, юнити по любому не был бы быстрее.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 18 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщений: 479

Рейтинг: 4.14 

10-Май-19 06:42:11 (спустя 24 дня)


Давно слышал про эту игру. Объясните плиз в 2-х словах о чем она, а то выглядит мягко говоря архаичненько) Типа превращаем пацана в бабу в режиме рогалика?)
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 16 лет 12 месяцев

Сообщений: 632

Рейтинг: 1.35 

10-Май-19 11:40:29 (спустя 4 часа)


Давно слышал про эту игру. Объясните плиз в 2-х словах о чем она, а то выглядит мягко говоря архаичненько) Типа превращаем пацана в бабу в режиме рогалика?)
Ты выбираешь сам, начать можно как за бабу, так и за мужика. Ходишь бродишь, стараешься не попадать в многочисленные ловушки, бить врагов, напяливаешь на себя шмот. Враждебное окружение и враги пытаются тебя отпердолить.
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 5 месяцев

Сообщений: 278

Рейтинг: 6.26 

10-Май-19 14:21:35 (спустя 2 часа 41 минута)


Добавлю: играется откровенно говоря плохо, фризит, имеет тенденцию крашиться; геймплей подчас напрягает — в какой-то момент враги облипают как мухи и не дают встать, пока персонаж не потеряться (благо это не геймовер и игра всё ещё даёт шанс). (Так что не рекомендую играть в неё как в рогалик — в настройках оставить опцию мануального сохранения, и снизить уровень сложности.) Каждый уровень — отдельная зона со своим биомом и противниками. Не все атакуют игрока — некоторые тоже пытаются выжить, другие чего-то просят, третьим всё по барабану до поры до времени. Почти на всех из них можно напасть и с некоторыми даже подружиться. Из локаций: есть лес, замок, какой-то отель, школа, ещё что-то там. Есть всякие странные объекты, с которыми можно взаимодействовать. Чтобы сохранить рассудок и не оконфузиться, игроку придётся прикрывать наготу, смывать с себя сперму, ходить в туалет вовремя и в специально отведённые места, есть и пить продукты сомнительного содержания, отдыхать.
Весь сок игры в бизарности происходящего: магия трансформации, дилдо-ловушки, буккаке-ловушки, нимфа просит вылизать её, суккуб обещает награду за минет, волшебница зачарует шмот за литры спермы, в глори-хол происходит какая-то чертовщина, беременность в т.ч. и анальная... и это только малая доля всего, что там есть. Рано или поздно игра сломает твоего персонажа, но вопрос: как именно?
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 15 лет 7 месяцев

Сообщений: 607

Рейтинг: 4.21 

27-Май-19 08:22:39 (спустя 16 дней)


Есть у кого версия 4.2 Strateg?
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 


Стаж: 6 лет 6 месяцев

Сообщений: 386

Рейтинг: 7.42 

27-Май-19 11:44:16 (спустя 3 часа, ред. 27-Май-19 11:44:16)


latest Strateg version
[Профиль]  [ЛС] 

Тайлер Дерден

Стаж: 10 лет 9 месяцев

Сообщений: 234

Рейтинг: 3.47 

14-Июл-19 22:17:53 (спустя 1 месяц 18 дней)


Trap Quest v5.1
Danaume Version: https://mega.nz/#!Cq43nKhT!9PjLkP57AFn8WbzmqffJpXDcow0jJxFax5kkyue4itQ
Keriax Version: https://mega.nz/#!vrQ2yaCY!szPh0MVCQpC8Gst2c3VlkYw7G9IVruSCeHBmxtE2yfI
Wonderfuller Version: https://mega.nz/#!iuBCCKCC!WHUIyJC5rCQVUa068oAMEQ0AbAtk0ghSn2GCsO2-0V4
Porn Version: https://mega.nz/#!nqRFGahK!Kg3af3pwzT4f0b5uPDs1CGWe4qHGlieHlPTrKNEUqyk
Strateg Version: https://mega.nz/#!KjAVHK7Z!YOu1kHIFpUvCOY4uL16cPHlO-9H3b5RhXqA-tEnwBG4
Список изменений лучше добавить в шапку!


Aika: Magic spells:
These are sometimes found instead of crafting recipes. You instantly learn the invocation command, which are randomised each time.
They almost always cost 1 magic power to cast, and require you to say the invocation in front of someone who can hear and understand you.
Each invocation command has a hidden lewdness rating. When you say the invocation, NPCs that hear it will treat you as if your appearance was suddenly at this hidden lewdness rating for that turn.
Current spells are:
Temporarily increase strength / dex / intelligence (works exactly like the positive effects of pink nuggets, creme eggs and strawberry lace)
Reveal the region's entire map
Blink to a random neighbouring room, and NPCs lose track of you
[Inflation] Inflate yourself to lighter than air
Poison / paralyze / blind all enemies in the room.
Aika: New tattoos, attempting to fill some blanks of items that didn't inspire anything, with art by Conrico:
Wasp sting tattoo - increases slap dice size by 1. Inspired by melee weapons, wasp wing and medium egg.
Nest egg upper back tattoo - increases end game prize money. Inspired by jewellery and any sized egg.
'Whoring feedback' upper back tattoo - whore themed, so improves odds of higher payments from patrons. Causes imminent summoning of senior robobellboy whenever he's not around. Inspired by anything with a whore theme and anything that provides condoms.
Fire palm tattoo - increase zap dice size by 1. Inspired by wands, magic themed items, and bombs.
Slimecock tattoo - decrease semen taste addiction by 2. Inspired by dildos and ectoplasm.
Short skirt slut tattoo - gives you the short skirt fetish. Inspired by super short skirted clothing.
Fairy cheek tattoo - gives you additional dexterity and magic power; significantly increases the chances of NPCs going for your mouth. Inspired by zappable weapons, fae mushrooms, butterfly wings and strands of pink hair.
Cock expert tattoo - gives you increased oral sex addiction but decreased delicateness. Inspired by dildos and clothing with a penis theme.
Tribal wrist pattern tattoo - decreases delicateness. Inspired by leopard print clothing.
Tearful tattoo - increases delicateness but teaches the 'beg for mercy' skill.
Portal tattoo - magic themed (increases magic power) but every now and then summons stuff inside your belly. Inspired by the fae mushroom and the new alpha tester portal items.
Aika: A warp portal room has been added to the mansion, so now the player can get to any region from any region.
Aika: Added the first half of the new food art by Danaume.
Aika: The glue trap now only glues one of your items.
Aika: Most intelligent NPCs now replace or re-zip any clothing they displaced to penetrate one of your lower orifices.
Aika: [Inflation] There's a new interaction that you can witness between an aeromancer in the woods and a fairy - the fairy gets inflated and flung into the distance.
Aika: Dropping jewellery in the wishing well can remove uncursed piercings. As long as the jewellery isn't sapphire.
MG: Depending on your current sex addiction and delicateness, greeting/talking to monsters can have some extra effects
Talking to sex partners
Submissive, sex addicted players will be more enthusiastic
Has a chance of making your partner like you a little bit more
If you overdo it they'll get annoyed instead
Less submissive or sex addicted players will be a little more embarrassed.
In this case, most monsters will skip the liking you more part.
Talking during rough sex (i.e. when you need a safe word)
Submissive, sex addicted players will invite monsters to join in
(Usually) Makes everyone involved like you a little less
Less submissive or sex addicted players will ask for help
No effect (for now)
Talking during casual sex (when you don't need a safe word)
The player will try to get some extra attention.
Depending on the monster, can be positive or negative attention
Talking during combat
Dominant sex addicts will taunt monsters with sex
If the player has ever dominated this monster before, has a chance of scaring them away.
Less dominant or sex addicted players will try to encourage the monster to stop fighting
No effect (for now)
MG: Princesses will gain some dignity whenever they greet a monster that isn't currently interested in them.
Aika: Fixed a bug where the hotel patrons could appear in nonstandard rooms such as the hole in the wall.
Aika: Fixed a bug where the text hyperlinks for putting jewellery on the witch's altar were broken.
Aika: Fixed a bug where the midnight tanto (final gift from the Kitsune in the Mansion) had no links or image.
Aika: Fixed a bug where dropping certain important items (such as the skeleton key) into the tattoo chute would make them unobtainable for the rest of the game.
MG: Fixed a bug where pasties were not actually preventing lactation.
Beta Testers:
MG: The witch in the woods can now offer the player quests. She'll name a random monster for you to defeat, and once you succeed, she'll be a lot friendlier towards you.
Aika: You can now get ritual beads from repeated completions of the priestess quest. (50% chance each time)
Aika: You can now encounter Barbara as an 'anal stool' in the Dungeon or Hotel region.
Aika: Fixed a bug where animated elements could not be re-enabled after being disabled.
Alpha Testers:
Aika: Some new possibilities for Hannah's emerald lesson. If you luckily avoid the clit piercing challenge (or are male), she might put a special gag on you rather than the wrist collar bar. This gag is a portal, which lets the holder of the other half use your face whenever they want. She can give it to a male teacher, keep it for herself, or if you're not wearing underwear, she can even strap it over your genitals, which means you keep accidentally stimulating yourself over time, and have to swallow anything that comes out.
Aika: [Inflation] Aeromancers in the woods can teach you a new skill that lets you keep hold of your items when you become weightless.
If you've already learned this skill, she'll instead try to teach you the self-inflation spell.
If you already know the spell, then you can try to surprise and overpower her. Your chances of success depend on your magic power. If you succeed, you get her wand and she disappears. If you fail, you're gonna have upset her.
Aika: Another new tattoo, the 'traitor' chest tattoo, gives you -1 delicateness. It only appears by you betraying the freed princess in the vine boss fight, which as a reminder, only happens when the vine boss is about to defeat you, and you've accepted the traitor hypnotic trigger from the appropriate school lesson.
Aika: Reduced the cooldown between lessons, but the delay until detention remains the same. Before it was around 300 seconds until the lesson triggered and then 300 seconds until it turned into detention and then 300 seconds until the headmistress and receptionist hunted you down. Now it's around 150 seconds until the lesson is triggered and then 450 seconds until it turns into detention and then 300 seconds until the staff members appear.
Aika: Washing in the swimming pool has a 50% chance to have a teacher appear and punish you.
Aika: Quality of life change with the repairing table in the school - when you try to use it with an incorrect item, it now tells you which items you have which are made of the same material as the damaged item.
Aika: Fixed a bug where disgruntled students weren't bullying properly.
v5.0 Hotfix
Aika: Appeasing summoning portals was not delaying the spawn by enough time. Numbers were massively increased.
Aika: When you're in the video call patron sex scene, your real life friend won't terminate your friendship unless the latest enemy you attacked wasn't a patron.
Aika: With the tiara, you're now first given the frilly royal dress and then it can transform into the deep cleavage one.
Aika: Fatigue goes up slower, especially at higher weights.
Aika: [Lactation] Fixed a bug where the milking bench only turned up in the dungeon 50% of the time.
Aika: [Watersports] Fixed a bug where the wrestler interrupted her own urinal scene.
Aika: Fixed a bug where the leopard print tube top didn't have hyperlinks.
Aika: Fixed a bug where you could use the electric fan to move caged NPCs.
Aika: Fixed a bug where the cum swallowing quest could appear on ballgags.
Aika: Fixed a bug where cheerleader outfits could transform into pink rubber silicone queen dresses (when condom pigtails worn and condom pinned to them) even with artificial enhancements disabled.
Aika: Fixed a bug where the player's appearance rating wasn't immediately updated when the number of pinned condoms changed.
Aika: [Tentacles] Fixed a bug where the tentacle monster spawners had no image when inhuman pregnancy was disabled.
Aika: Fixed a bug where fatigue could go above its maximum number.
Aika: Some new images from Icarus, including but not limited to oral creampies, glue trap stuff, dominatrix variations, ass size milestones, and lip size milestones.
Aika: The 'unicorn' NPC is now public (and it now has profile art, by Dahs). They're not an actual unicorn, they're a cute femme agender human with a penis, and a unicorn horn sticking out of their forehead. Betrothed to Demon Lord Xavier, certain things that suggest you've slept with Xavier or are his enemy will make the unicorn instantly unfriendly, and seeing your exposed naughty bits, or having cum on you, or being a cowgirl or catgirl will make the unicorn unfriendly over time.
Aika: Clothing outrage overhaul. The summary of this overhaul is "covering up your naughty bits is very important, covering up your underwear is also important"! Before this overhaul, walking around in your underwear was often treated as rather dignified compared to most of the slutty clothing found in the game.
In recent months, every item, including body parts themselves, has been able to 'calculate' how exposed it is, and then work out how much it contributes to your outrage score based on this. So, there's no need for sheer tops, for example, to have super high outrage ratings themselves. If the nipples are exposed, they'll add the necessary outrage themselves. In fact, if worn with a bra or similar, surely wearing a sheer top often more desirable than not. Since you'll be covering up more skin.
Provocatively cut tops have in general been significantly reduced in outrage level.
Clothes with extremely lewd patterns are obviously still rated higher in general.
Panties and other undies have in general been significantly increased in outrage level.
Bras are actually kind of overpowered, since (in a recent poll I did) people consider them less outrageous than 98% of the tops in the game. So I have made them rare items. Bikini tops are still plentiful but should now more reliably transform into skimpier and skimpier models quite quickly when hit by transformation effects.
If you have at least one used condom pinned to an item, expect its outrage level to skyrocket. Additionally, each used condom provides an extra +1 to clothing outrage. To attempt to balance this, each torn and swallowed condom now does nothing to outrage. But they still make it more likely that NPCs will take and use a condom without you asking.
Transformation code has been massively redone to improve the chances of finding an eligible sluttier item to transform into, and finding one that matches all important themes if possible. Also, clothing will no longer refused to be transformed forever thanks to theme matches. Instead it'll only refuse for 1 attempt longer than as long as it would also refuse to be disintegrated (so usually twice, but powders of resistance and condoms improve transformation resistance).
Aika: It's now more difficult to present yourself for sex without first angering NPCs with your exposed body parts. So, you can now present a body part while standing and/or clothed, as long as it would be possible for you to kneel and get that body part on display. You'll automatically do all the displacing (and replacing, if it's a friendly request and they say no).
Aika: Experimental - slowed down the rate at which objects react to time passing in the game, which should further encourage taking more time in between revisits to regions:
NPCs lose interest in you for longer
However if you drop below their appearance threshold and look worse than the last time they saw you, they'll get a chance to notice you no matter how recently they became bored.
Several environment objects such as statues, throne, altar, crafting table, kitchen knife, summoning portals, etc. are slower to recharge.
Aika: [Bukkake] Experimental - bodily fluid on clothing is more humiliating than before, but no longer temporarily affects the effective magical modifier of the item.
Aika: Experimental changes to the things that were growing out of control the fastest for me - hip thickness increases a bit slower especially at higher ranks, and humiliation grows 75% as fast.
Aika: The player no longer gains fatigue just from being stood upright, unless they have a large belly or excessively giant or milk filled breasts.
Fatigue is instead only gained when walking, kneeing and kicking.
(Not including all the other common less controllable ways such as orgasming, mopping up puddles, and so on)
Aika: Magic weapons now have their own attack command: "zap [something] at [something]" or "zap [something] with [something]".
This means you can still do your normal slap / punch while wielding a magic weapon.
Magic weapons appear separately in the damage tooltip in the upper status bar.
Some items don't need to be wielded to be used to cast a spell, but most (e.g. wands) do.
Stored magic power gives increased damage to most magic spells, up to a maximum of +5. Worn magic themed items after the first count as semi-permanent extra magic power, but you can still never go above +5 damage bonus this way.
Each time you use a magic spell, it costs 1 stored magic power (if you have any).
Still to come:
Other spells that you can use out of combat
Temporary and/or permanent curses that trigger each time you use magic
Aika: Hose traps are no longer restricted to bukkake fetish, because there's a new type - cold water hoses. These hoses clean your face and cool your arousal slightly, but also soak your clothes in water, which can make them temporarily heavier and much less modest.
Aika: You can now complete the cumdumpster class quest by collecting more pinned condoms instead of by drinking condoms, if you prefer. Or a combination of the two!
Aika: Clothing that demands to be uncovered now punishes the player's stats if any part of it is covered up, rather than requiring the whole garment to be completely covered up for the stat penalty to be triggered.
Aika: The schoolgirl quest was too easy. It now requires you to craft an item using a recipe you've memorised. However it also now gives you the perk of ignoring the intelligence limit on memorising recipes.
Aika: The 'waitress' background now also halves your chances of spilling drinks when you fall over.
Aika: Since Barbara is now more important than ever, she is always right at the woods entrance when you first arrive there. So you can 'activate' her immediately, if you so wish.
Aika: If Barbara encounters the minotaur / hulk when you're not in the same room to witness it, she escapes up to the woods rather than getting permanently removed from the game.
Aika: Glue trap is no longer restricted to Game Hates You. When Game Hates You is disabled, it doesn't immobilise you but just applies glue to one or more of your worn clothing.
[Game Hates You] Yep, you will get this new effect and the old effect too. Also, I fixed a bug where NPCs couldn't fuck you while you were stuck in glue.
Aika: There are now multiclasses available for every combination of cheerleader, silicone queen and cumdumpster. They mostly occur from having condoms pinned to a relevant item or gaining additional breast implants.
This includes some new latex cheerleader outfits.
Also, my favourite new item this patch, pigtail hairties made out of used condoms.
To clarify, for some combinations of these three classes, the only thing that visibly changes is your title in the status bar.
Aika: [Watersports] The scene where Barbara is made into the hotel human toilet is no longer an instant success or fail. Instead, Barbara needs rescuing with a key. If you hang out in the toilet room with Barbara, eventually a patron will appear to use the toilet. If you're able to speak, you can offer to drink his pee instead of Barbara, in exchange for a key. He'll then point out that the key could be used to obtain the 'freedom' tattoo (one of the best tattoos in the game, just a straight dex boost) instead of freeing your friend, if you're feeling selfish.
Aika: Fabric tokens can now be used to craft bras as well as panties.
Aika: [Pregnancy] The option for how fast or slow pregnancies are is now split up into two different options for how fast they grow, and how quickly they pop once reaching full term.
Aika: [Pregnancy] Virgins can now get pregnant. A virgin who gets pregnant without headgear becomes a 'fairy godmother', gaining the benefits of both the faerie class (gain magic from any kind of creampie when not pregnant, better at making well wishes) and the fertility goddess class (contractions don't force you to kneel, belly is less heavy).
Aika: Examining an NPC should now push the correct current image to the map window rather than just the default profile.
In fact, every item and cutscene can now be examined, to push it to the map window.
Aika: [Newest Nympho] Icons on items in the store help you see more quickly whether you can afford it and what it'll cost you.
Aika: Changes to the brothel dungeon stage:
The chances of getting the bracelet have been halved; the other half of the time you'll get a wrist cuffing slave dress, but no further bad stuff.
If you have a class, or have enabled bondage protection, you'll instead gain a piercing if able, and if not, you'll gain delicateness.
When you get the slave auction result, wristcuffs won't appear unless 'game hates you' is enabled.
Aika: [Lactation] Made the cowbell less harsh. It only consistently attracts NPCs during resisting and walking upright.
Aika: [Lactation] Added an icon in the character window for when your breasts are full of milk.
Aika: [Lactation] The milking harness can now be a part of your royal slave outfit, and can be displaced (the plug temporarily removed) if uncursed.
Aika: [Lactation] There's now a second milking bench, in the kitchen in the mansion.
Aika: Made the "drink me" tattoo less harsh. It only makes the player drink with a 10% chance each turn.
Aika: Hips now have an outrage rating that increases with size.
Strutting now increases hip outrage rating rather than slowly increasing humiliation over time.
Aika: Female priestesses can now place value in their virginity and become the holy virgin warrior cross-class. Remember, the punishment for losing your virginity in this state is much worse - you instantly hit broken levels of humiliation.
Aika: [Watersports] Added more incentives to use a toilet like a dignified person.
Peeing in vessels is now more user-friendly, allowing you to automatically displace clothing and so on. However it now comes with an increase in urine addiction each time, and if urine addiction gets too high, it can spawn the 'drink me' tattoo.
Peeing directly onto the ground can force you to become the maid.
Aika: Items of clothing destroyed by class items appearing are no longer destroyed (and no longer imprint) but are instead sent to the pink wardrobe.
Aika: The powder of escape can now be used to remove uncursed piercings.
Aika: [Inflation] The latex curse now stays after you faint unless it would be impossible for you to complete the witch's errands and get uncursed (probably because she's dead or unfriendly).
Aika: Reduced the girth (and therefore the gape requirement) of the dildo rocking stool.
Aika: The condom pack on the poker table now explodes with condoms 1 in 4 games rather than 1 in 2, and condoms only appear on the string belt, rather than on all your eligible worn items.
Aika: You can now spend 1 point to begin the game with a 'combat visor' which will show you the internal numbers behind several checks and stat changes, including combat.
Aika: [Flatchested Until Sex Change] Hips can't get stupidly huge before the player changes gender.
Aika: With some of the changes I made, lag got worse again. I did some more clever behind the scenes stuff to try and optimise this as much as possible (specifically putting some shortcuts in the code to help it very quickly work out what's in the same region as the player and therefore within scope). However this means that using debug commands to teleport between regions is now 100 times more likely to cause weird bugs. Most probably including NPCs being frozen in time. Sorry. As a roundabout way to vaguely address this, examining yourself will force the game to re-check which region the player is in.
Aika: Addressed an issue where NPCs that cum over multiple turns, for example the minotaur / hulk, and several creampies in quick succession, like with the Hole in the Wall, can increase creampie addiction by way more than intended.
Aika: Fixed a bug where the time bomb and nail bomb (new items from the Christmas release) weren't craftable and therefore there was no way to obtain them.
Aika: Fixed a bug where the demon lord's broadsword always transformed upon being pulled, reacting to items that weren't even worn.
Aika: Fixed a bug where the player's heels could remain stuck when the player dominated a demoness.
Aika: Fixed a bug where friendly sex with the shopkeeper didn't progress.
Aika: Fixed a bug where blinding attacks that were supposed to last for more than one turn did nothing.
Aika: Fixed a bug where the mansion's hound would spit out a filled condom each turn during his climax.
Aika: Fixed a bug where automatically surrendering at high delicateness wasn't possible.
Aika: Fixed an issue where if the tentacle from the mindflayer ended up in the player's vagina while they were pregnant, the pregnancy could never occur.
Aika: Fixed a bug where NPCs set to a state that was just supposed to stop them wandering, also wouldn't attack.
Aika: Fixed a bug where crafting with tokens didn't give you the knowledge you needed to successfully learn about crafting from the aeromancer.
Aika: Fixed a bug where ass size couldn't increase normally when artificial enhancements fetish was enabled but weight gain fetish was disabled.
Aika: Fixed a bug where crafting tokens were contributing to the bag of holding's hunger frequency, which is based on the number of items in the player's bag.
Aika: Fixed a bug where undies couldn't be magically summoned (or transformed) underneath trousers or hobble skirts.
Aika: Fixed a bug where sometimes gladiators would stop holding you in the smoke after 1 turn even though nothing changed.
Beta Testers:
Aika: Gangbang scene with Barbara and patrons is now more likely because instead of a hotel bed needing to trigger while Barbara is in the room with you, she just needs to be wandering the hotel, and then she'll just happen to walk in at the worst possible moment.
Aika: [Alcohol] Instead of just adding to your overall apperance score, which was more difficult to describe in the status bar, each 'unit' of alcohol (out of 3) in your system adds 3 to the outrage rating of your face. Therefore when your face is your most outrageous thing on display, you'll be able to more clearly see how significant your drunkenness is to your appearance.
Touching the head of the woods statue can now get you a new trigger word - "please".
Alpha Testers:
Aika: If you refuse the receptionist at the beginning of the game, she'll appear one more time, the first time you discover the hotel warp portal. This second time (unless you've raced there super fast to try and game the system), the headmistress will assess your appearance, and possibly start you at emerald or even ruby rank if you look disgraceful enough.
Aika: There will only be a maximum of 5 other students in each lesson with you, even if there could be more.
Aika: The nurse can now enlarge your breasts while she heals you, and she can increase your lip size when you go for a 'boost'.
Aika: New pink diamond lesson where you can consent to be given a hypnotic trigger that will sometimes cause you to do bad things to Barbara and/or the princess, the next 3 times that the game finds a way to make you do this.
If Barbara is in the anal dildo contraption, you'll pull her legs down instead of helping her.
If Barbara is getting facefucked the mechanic, you'll refuse to rescue her.
If Barbara is getting fucked by vines, you'll refuse to help her for two turns.
If the princess is rescuing you from the vine boss's finishing move, you'll disarm her and she'll become the vine boss's victim. (You'll still be temporarily rescued, as before).
[Watersports] The player will automatically use the princess urinal in the school dungeon if you need to go.
[Watersports] The player will refuse to use the first key you try to use to free Barbara from her toilet prison.
Aika: Students can now get upset with you because of what happens in the lessons. Usually this happens if actions you take are bad for them (even if you're in direct competition). Students who get too pissed off with you will bully you when they see you, until they grow satisfied that you've learned your lesson.
Amicable students will never become upset and bully you.
'Innocent' students can lose favour if they spot you looking too slutty in front of them.
(This was already in the game, but a reminder): Nasty students can bully you without provocation once your delicateness goes high enough.
Whenever you walk into the food hall, someone who wants to bully you (and hasn't in a while) will try to force you to get them a drink from the dispenser.
Aika: New scene with Barbara (only possible when she is at "Barbie" level) where you catch her impaled on the throne. She is embarrassed and tries to pretend it isn't filling her with cum with each passing second, and you can either leave her to maintain her pride or wait until she turns into a semi-conscious cum geyser, which increases her bimbo but lets you capture some cum in any vessels you have, to give to the witch or feed into a fertile pedestal. Or you could drink it if that's what you're into.
Aika: Another new scene with Barbara only possible when she is at "Barbie" level where you bump into her crafting a potion. You get to choose who drinks it. It has a 50% chance of sluttifying her and a 50% chance of unsluttifying her. Meanwhile if you drink it yourself, it has a 67% chance of reducing sex addiction and increasing intelligence, but a 33% chance of transforming every single item of clothing you're wearing.
Aika: Epilogues now allow you to leave the game with a huge penis, if your penis size was greater than the starting size at the moment the game ended.
[TG Fetish] Also, you can choose to have a free sex change to a woman when the game ends. Mainly intended for players who want to avoid 'sissy' or 'shemale' themed epilogues.
Aika: [Extreme proportions] New epilogue "Giant Ass" when the player's real hip thickness is at least 15/20, with the following variations:
If sex addiction is greater than 9/20 and humiliation is over 28000/40000, you do sex / lewd work.
Otherwise, if black cock addiction is at least 6/10, you get a sugar daddy.
Otherwise, if intelligence is greater than 16/30, you become a work-from-home businesswoman who tries to avoid face-to-face meetings.
Otherwise, if dexterity is greater than 16/30, you become a talented dancer.
Otherwise, you become a plus-size clothes shop assistant.
Aika: Wrote the 'sex slave' epilogue (you get this if you had the 'policewoman' nintendolls job epilogue and get captured, and there'll probably be more routes to it in the future)
If dexterity is less than 8/30, you're a serving table kept permanently on your knees.
Otherwise, if dexterity is less than 16/30, you're tied to a vacuum cleaner and, well, you're a cleaner.
Otherwise, you're kept in a gag that doubles as a drinks coaster and have to stay balanced all the time.
Aika: I'm trying a thing to increase the variety of epilogues people get by writing a new variation for each epilogue I hit, as it stands to reason that ones I've hit naturally are ones that other people are probably getting a lot too.
Added a variation to the stiff slave epilogue when the player is at max humiliation.
Added several variations to the super rich epilogue:
Several variations for when the player still has a penis:
Submissive but not massively into anal
Submissive and into anal
Small / no breasts and big cock
Small / no breasts and small cock
Big breasts and big cock
Big breasts and small cock
when the player has at least 12/20 sex addiction:
When the player less than 7/20 delicateness
when the player has at least 32000/40000 humiliation.
when the player has less than 12/20 sex addiction and at least 32000/40000 humiliation.
Aika: Fixed a bug with the recharge of the right hand crafting bowl in the science lab.
Aika: Fixed a bug where fainting and then giving up didn't zero your prize money.
Aika: Fixed a bug where the status bar that told you how much money you had left to spend was not visible when choosing your transformation reversals at the end of the game.
Aika: Fixed a bug where the map button didn't appear for leaving the dungeon section of the school.
Aika: Fixed a bug where after meeting the school captive, the throne would always give you the cum enema trap when it was meant to always give you the tiara.
Aika: Spent ages creating a new subsystem for more robust tracking of the combat-ready state of NPCs - i.e. whether they are caged, or somehow otherwise restricted from fighting and/or moving. This will allow for some really cool stuff especially in the future Slut School region, but also for example will (in the near future) enable us to keep NPCs permanently defeated by the minotaur on the map, and allow the player to have the option to have (limited) interactions with them.
Aika: Examining an NPC when the location window is open will bring up a zoomed in image, in the map window if possible.
Aika: The kitsune can now give you a skeleton key if you don't have it already and you already have at least one smoke bomb.
Aika: [Watersports / Diapers] Players without penises can now use urinals. It's not too unrealistic and significantly improves game balance.
Aika: Reduced quite how much the NPC health was lowered / increased by the difficulty level. It was pretty extreme.
Aika: The demon lord's broadsword can now be pulled from the stone as long as the player's delicateness is less than 8/20.
Aika: Begun to create a framework through which the NPCs will be able to react to you triggering various traps in their presence, so that'll feel a little less weird that they just ignore it. But for now it's super generic and only for dildo and paddle traps.
Aika: Lowered the threshold at which the status bar tells you what your most embarrassing item is.
Aika: [Clumsy] The maid headdress now transforms into a cafe maid headdress if the player spills a drink and is punished for it.
Aika: [Watersports] The ultimate hotel toilet scene with Barbara can now happen at much lower bimbo levels for her, just with a lower likelihood the lower bimbo she is.
Aika: The player no longer becomes desperate to expose their nipples or crotch at high humiliation. It needs to be a magical effect such as a tattoo that causes this issue.
MG: You can now choose specifically what type of dominant sex you want to try with a monster
Using a fuckhole to dominate a monster is now significantly easier than using a penis or a strapon
Decreased the domination bonus the player gets from having a large penis
Increase the domination debuff the player gets from a small penis
Watersports domination scenes are now especially difficult to pull off
MG: Monsters you've dominated before should be slightly easier to dominate
MG: Not easier to beat, easier to dominate.
MG: Dominating an aeromancer now has a much smaller chance of producing a wand
Dominating the aeromancer without using a penis will no longer award a wand
If you goes for a watersports scene or a blowjob, obtaining the wand is only possible with a really large penis
If you go for penetration, you can only get the wand if you decide to spare the aeromancer's pussy
Obtaining the wand is still impossible with a tiny penis
Dominating the aeromancer is now much easier
MG: Some monsters will no longer interfere with domination attempts, except specific ones like royal guards and the deep one
MG: [Inhuman pregnancy] Players with large bellies can now sometimes fool tentacle monsters into thinking they are pregnant.
MG: However, if they see another tentacle monster attack the player, they might change their tune
MG: Tentacle monsters are now seperated into a couple different types
Smart tentacle monsters never mistake a pregnant player for one who's just inflated
Messy tentacle monsters ejaculate more, and periodically leave messes in the region they've spawned in
[Egg Laying] These tentacle monsters also lay extra eggs
Tough tentacle monsters have more health
They also won't turn on you if they've decided to protect you(at least until they lose interest)
Horny tentacle monsters are more likely to penetrate you with extra tentacles, and wake up sooner than normal
They also can't really tell the difference between a pregnant belly and an inflated one.
MG: Added a new summoning portal in the hotel, the Teleportation Pad
MG: Added a variation of the wench that can sometimes spawn in the hotel
MG: Updated summoning portals to be less confusing
Masturbating will now always decrease spawning time
Orgasms now always decrease spawning time
All summoning portals can now be 'entered', just like the summoning circle in the dungeon. Effects of each portal:
Summoning Circle(Dungeon):
Increases arousal
Increases Sex addiction
Transforms a bra level clothing, or increases breast sensitivity
Increases the size of your butt
Causes you to masturbate
Giant Statue(Woods):
Increases your fertility or decreases penis size
If the vine boss is around, the increase/decrease is higher
Increases hair length
If the vine boss is around, also increases sex addiction
Increases bust size
If the vine boss is around, also increases bust sensitivity
Makes you thirstier and hungrier
If the vine boss is around, also increases your addiction to semen
Causes you to masturbate
Teleportation Pad(Hotel):
Teleports you to a random bed in the hotel
Teleports you to a random demoness(on any floor)
Teleports you to a random gladiator(on any floor)
Teleports you to the vampiress
Causes you to masturbate
Mysterious Mummy(Mansion):
When activated:
Decreases intelligence
Increases fatigue
Decreases penis size, or tightens up the player's main fuckhole
Drastically increases the chance of a ghost showing up
Causes you to masturbate
When not activated:
Changes the next monster to be summoned, depending on the player's class
All summoning portals are now affected in mostly the same way by the items the player offers. However, each portal has one type of offering that decreases spawning time rather than increasing it.
The Summoning Circle(Dungeon):
Demonic items(demon codpiece, living broadsword, etc.)
Giant Statue(Woods):
Non-fabric and non-synthetic items (kitsune's sandals, the wooden dildo, etc.)
Teleportation Pad(Hotel):
Metal items (Chastity bra, handcuffs)
Mysterious Mummy(Mansion):
When activated, possessed clothing and/or ectoplasm
Reminder: When not activated, offering items to the mummy will only change what spawns next
Selkie: Added a little more flavour to self-drinking.
Selkie: A lot of quality control!
Aika: Fixed a bug where the player's first "long wait" would only last one turn.
Aika: Fixed a bug where the vibrator that the maid cloth could summon into your vagina was not cursed.
Aika: Fixed a bug where the pink cloth could not turn back into a spraybottle from mopping while the player was a maid, no matter how many puddles you cleaned.
Aika: Fixed a bug to do with your boobs growing when keeping a cursed clothing item around when its quest completes.
Aika: Fixed a bug where many NPCs didn't consider someone with a serving tray to be someone serving drinks.
Aika: [Pregnancy] Fixed a bug where the list of potential fathers for your next pregnancy sometimes didn't reset after giving birth.
MG: Fixed a bug where the mechanic domination scene would have the player repeat themselves too much
MG: Added debug text to a variety of dominant sex scenes
MG: Fixed bug where the shopkeeper would still be mad after certain dominant sex scenes
MG: Fixed bug where the wrestler wouldn't lose interest after the end of the 69 scene
MG: Fixed bug where requested sex with the nurse would display the wrong text
Alpha testers:
Aika: New diamond lesson. This is your final initiation and once you've completed it, you have risen to the maximum rank.
It's essentially a massive blindfolded gangbang that lasts for a set number of turns. In order to pass, you must always submit and you're only allowed to say "no" to something once. So choose when to use your veto wisely!
Aika: You now lose your armband just for attacking a teacher, not even needing to kill them. Killing a student in front of a teacher also loses you your armband. (Losing your armband means dungeon time rather than just detention).
Aika: In the dungeon cell to the north of the one you get taken to, there's a new NPC who you can help escape. To get to her, you either need to have been taken to the dungeon at some point, and then remove your armband to be able to get back in, or you need to reach the highest rank in the school. Caged NPC Art by Rosie-BRS. There will be more.
You'll need to give her a wand and a key. (The prison guard will spawn after you meet her).
Then unless you've given her a royal scepter, there's a tough battle to fight, which will also probably cause you to lose 4 strength and 4 dexterity, unless you manage to finish it within a very small number of turns. Also, you really don't want to lose this battle, as the consequences for the NPC you tried to save are irreversible, and you get some unique dungeon time with her.
If the rescue mission is successful, the school region will stop being a place you need to take lessons, and become more of an amusement park for your entertainment. The NPC will also have several ways that she can appear and help you for the rest of the game. Currently we have:
If you can manage to get her, yourself and the (released) minotaur in the same room at the same time, she'll bring the minotaur down to 1 HP for you.
The first time the vine boss is about to perform its final defeating attack on you, she'll appear and prevent it.
More to come, she's very imcomplete.
There's also new art for the headmistress, receptionist and nurse when they are defeated, and placeholder sketches for the defeated sapphire rank teachers, by Owlcan.
MG: Patrons can now be targeted for dominant sex
If you dominate a patron with a penis, you can also try to dominate another patron immediately at a higher chance of success
If you can dominate all of the patrons in the room, you get a dignity bonus and delicateness decrease
Otherwise, you gain a bit of fatigue
Dominating a patron with your ass or your pussy is easier, but once you've dominated one, you have to try and dominate them all.
You can try to soften them up a bit before you try dominating them, but it makes dominating the others slightly more difficult overall.
If any of the patrons can turn the tables on you, all the remaining patrons will gangbang you.
MG: The barbarian class
Obtained by dominating the same monster more than twice.
The lower your health, the more it increases your dexterity
Weakened by arousal, try to keep yourself satisfied
Aika: Fixed a bug where completing the kissing lesson successfully failed to make new ruby students and teachers spawn, which would cause an error once you reached the ruby lesson.
Aika: Merged the portal room and statue room (mainly for school region content which is currently alpha only but won't be for ever!)
Aika: [Newest Nympho] The cross trainer now has an image and so can be clicked on in the location window.
Aika: Put in a decent amount of work trying to tackle one of the causes of lag: calculating the player's appearance rating up to like 50 times a turn depending on how many NPCs are looking at them and considering how to act. Now the engine is a lot more sensible about how often it needs to recalculate this number, but should still operate as expected when sudden changes occur such as things getting displaced.
Aika: Swords rework: They all have art now! You should now always get an interesting sword if one is appropriate, and it'll intelligently choose the most appropriate one for your character. If there's nothing sensible, you'll get the dildo sword. Sword of purity: High priority if the player has chosen the pure background. Eligible as long as the player is a virgin and is either female, or a male with spontaneous TG enabled. Gladiator sword: High priority if the player has purified the gladiators (defeated either Xavier or the Witch, depending on who has cursed them in this random version of the game universe). Eligible as long as the player has their breasts exposed, and has a max potential breasts size above F cup, and has at least D cup breasts right now. Demon Lord's Broadsword: High priority if the player has released Xavier, but this won't be great news for you. Eligible as long as the player has their breasts exposed, and has a max potential breasts size above F cup, and has at least D cup breasts right now. Modified the code for this slightly. It's a bit less powerful in general, but when its arousal cools off enough, it turns back from a demon penis into a sword, as long as Xavier isn't released & alive. Sissy sword: High priority if the player is wearing lots of sissy clothing. Eligible as long as the player is male and doesn't have spontaneous TG enabled (i.e. someone who's probably going to stay male for a while).
Aika: When an unfriendly guard catches you wearing heels and stuck on a dildo trap, he doesn't give you a turn to jump off - he'll hold you down and make sure he gets a chance to try and double penetrate you while you're on the pole.
Aika: Reduced the base amount that all stimulation increases arousal per turn, and increased the amount that each point of the relevant (anal / vaginal) sex addiction increases arousal per turn, and increased the amount that each point of 'girth' increases arousal per turn.
Aika: Gave [Interracial Fetish] some love and nuance: Rather than just being either on (if wearing two or more interracial themed items) or off, there's now a sliding scale of addiction to BBC, just like other things. Each BBC related item gives +1 to this addiction, which starts at 1 and is out of 10. Stimulation from black penises (the amount of arousal gained per turn and the chance of orgasm) goes up with BBC addiction. At below 3/10 BBC addiction, it's actually lower than normal, then at 3-4 addiction, it's normal, and then from 5 upwards it starts to rise to above normal amounts. Stimulation from non-black human penises goes down with BBC addiction, but only if you are a 'queen of spades' which you get, like before, from wearing at least two interracial themed items. When examining your "addictions", there's now a description of your BBC addiction. You know that thing where if you're extremely horny, you can't attack enemies? Well now when there's a dark skinned NPC (with a penis) in your location, the level of arousal that prevents you from attacking gets lower depending on your BBC addiction. Orgasming over a black cock has a chance to increase BBC addiction that goes down the higher your addiction already is. There's a new type of hypno trap, specifically focused on BBC. It increases your base level of BBC addiction each turn you watch it. Just like the other specific sex addictions, there's very few ways they go down. The 'thick drink with a dry taste' (sex addiction reducing) potion is the main one, but also having an orgasm with a non-black human will likely help.
Aika: [Lactation] The cow ears now requires you to go through 3 eligible milking sessions before it considers the quest complete. Remember you can always use the knife in the hotel to get rid of a headgear if you think the quest is going to be too troublesome.
Aika: Similarly, the maid headdress now requires you to clean up 3 - 4 puddles before it considers the quest complete. And it won't let you complete that last one if your spraybottle is broken. To remind you, the three ways to repair it are: Clean a lot of puddles Use the wishing well Give it to the mechanic to repair
Aika: The maid's spraybottle no longer creates insane amounts of magic power - it just creates a reasonable amount over time. Attacking with slap while your spraybottle has magic power does +5 damage and consumes 1 magic power.
Aika: [Tentacles] Reduced the base damage of the heart wand and increased its scaling with magic power. But the damage amplification ends at 12 magic power, and using its attacks now drains your magic power every 3 shots. So you can't just collect crazy amounts of magic power then use it to one-shot everything in the game.
Aika: The condom pack now is available on the poker table along with the playing cards, for those people that want to avoid creampies right from the beginning. However it has a 50% chance of being cursed. The only way to get a guaranteed uncursed one is to craft a piece of rubber from a defeated sex doll. The condom pack curse is no longer permanent. It triggers once then goes away. However it now also summons the string belt and cumdumpster hat if possible. However this cumdumpster hat has a -1 modifier (the one you get from it spawning naturally is at +0). As an added incentive to use condoms, whenever you do successfully have a condom filled and pinned to you, you'll have a good chance of losing 1 point of creampie addiction. The cumdumpster hat has updated art. It starts very lewd and can transform to get even lewder!
Aika: Wearing lots of weighty items now contributes a bit to you getting overburdened. That means that some weight down by armour can carry less items outside of their bag of holding without getting that -3 dexterity penalty.
New tentacle breeder art by Icarus.
Aika: Fixed a bug where clothing items were getting blocked from transforming thanks to a theme, even if the new resulting item would have shared that same theme.
Aika: Fixed the bug where cans duplicated in the location window if you interacted with them but time didn't move forward.
Aika: Fixed a bug where the maid outfit spawned would sometimes be a super slutty one rather than a normal one.
Aika: Fixed an issue where the thirst warning icon was one level too extreme for the player's actual thirst level. So it showed 'thirsty' when nearly thirsty, and 'very thirsty' when thirsty, and so on.
Aika: Fixed a bug where the virgin warrior quest wasn't progressing properly unless the player had taken the 'pure' background.
Beta testers:
Aika: You can now get the patron gangbang scene with Barbara. You just need to be alone with Barbara in a hotel bedroom when the patrons spawn.
Aika: You can now choose a custom name set for the player, and also customise a few more small pieces of potential flavour that you might get. Simply go back into the settings after the game has already started, and they'll be on the first menu page.
Aika: I'm giving you access to the Strateg window! Check the patreon post for details.
Alpha testers:
Aika: Where possible, replaced small PNG images in epilogues with larger JPG images that are displayed at maximum size in a graphics frame.
Aika: New 'predicament' nintendolls job epilogue where they send you home early but then after a taste of freedom you're forced to play a game with high stakes. Requires sex addiction below 10, delicateness below 14, and humiliation below 32000. There will be lots of different predicaments over time but right now most of you will only get this one: Requires the player to have real ass size above 5, and real asshole openness below 8. You take part in a quiz show where the state of your sphincter is on the line. Art by Majalis. Remember, to get high real ass size (and other real physical stats) requires you to allow significant time to progress after your virtual body has reached that milestone. If you have diapers enabled there's an incomplete one you might get instead. Sorry about that!
Aika: More school region development - as mentioned earlier in this changelist, the warp portal is now in the statue hall. Moreover, you'll find the receptionist waiting for you there, and essentially she forces you to choose whether to start the school side-quest right at the beginning of your playthrough. PS, the receptionist has been reimagined by Owlcan.
Aika: New pink diamond lesson - a knowledge quiz. You'll be quizzed about facts about the game universe, and each time you get one wrong, you'll have to choose between holding on (which causes pain) or causing a very bad day for you and one of your fellow classmates. Holding on until you get two in a row correct earns you a promotion. In the future, there will be consequences for upsetting your classmates. If you're plugged or are male but with no genetalia, it can't happen.
Aika: Moved Bianca's sapphire lesson to be an emerald lesson. This way the player's humiliation is more likely to have progressed on a bit, and there's actually a chance of success! But remember, it's much more embarrassing to do the bend-over if you're not wearing underwear.
Aika: Increased the likelihood that the new 'anal stool' barbara scene will occur. Requires her to have been sluttified at least once, and the more she's been sluttified the more likely it is.
Aika: Fixed a bug where the nurse was using the male climax functions.
Aika: [Newest Nympho GUI] Buttons appear as dropdown menus rather than always visible, for a bit less lag and a lot less clutter.
Aika: When you've enabled hyperlinks for yes/no options (and have the map window open), you can now also press 'Y' or 'N'.
MG: A lot of stuff related to the vampiress:
If she's in the right mood, she might be willing to have a conversation with players she hasn't turned into vampire spawn.
If she goes long enough without feeding on the player's sexual fluids, she'll slowly get weaker until she disappears for good.
If she's hungry enough, the vampiress will sometimes go for vaginal sex. She can't get you pregnant or turn you into a vampire this way,
so she never bothers to pull out.
She can no longer remove plugs, dildos or gags without a direct invitation from the player.
MG: Wooden dildo item that allows the player to remove the otherwise permanent vampire fangs.
Using this dildo to masturbate is possible, but ineffective
Wearing a wooden dildo can also hide you from the gargoyle
MG: When the gargoyle wakes up, she will now give some indication of whatever it is that either caused her to notice the player or caused her to become aggressive
MG: If a patron shows up during your "game" with the wrestler and joins in, you're now guaranteed to get a ruby jewelery out of it
Refresher: If you suggest your mouth to a friendly wrestler, she'll offer to reciprocate and bet on who finishes first.
MG: Souls are now physical objects, called soul gems! If a demoness steals your soul and you're able to defeat her, you can take the soul gem to the witch to have it returned to your body
MG: Demonesses who hold onto soul gems for long enough become "greater demonesses", which are much more difficult to deal with.
MG: If you offer your chest to a demoness, you can now willingly offer up your soul for extraction
MG: Players without souls no longer wake up the gargoyle or attract ghosts in the mansion
If you attack them, they make an exception to this rule.
Aika: [Lactation] If you have enough milk in your breasts to create an extra large can, that will progress the cow ears quest even if your breasts weren't completely full.
Also I reduced the humiliation rating of the cowbell; it was a bit harsh.
Aika: Potions, tinctures, elixirs etc. are now listed in the 'loot' section of the inventory.
Aika: With the hole in wall 'trap', when you get fucked by a group of men, the final guy is extremely well hung and has more stamina.
Aika: The four dips with a champagne glass you need to make to summon the waitress bunny ears only count up when you are not wearing any other headgear.
Aika: Icarus no longer gives out Christmas gifts when Christmas content is disabled. Instead he gives out electric fans 45% of the time, smoke bombs 45% of the time, and pure diamond (super valuable) jewellery 10% of the time. So maybe it really is worth saying yes...
Aika: Maid headdress won't uncurse while you're wielding a broken pink spray bottle.
Aika: Most matching colours now require you to be wearing three of the same colour in order to prevent transformation, rather than two.
Aika: [Newest Nympho] Dark mode for non-donators with the new GUI now correctly uses the icons with inverted colours.
Aika: [Diapers] Examining your addictions now also includes information about your incontinence level.
MG: Updated the flavour that triggers when the player loses their virginity
MG: If the mechanic takes your vaginal virginity, he has a chance of transforming into Xavier on the spot(or "in" the spot, depending on your
point of view)
MG: [Watersports] You can now pee directly into the "parched" pedestals in the private library
MG: Begging has a chance of shortening sex with monsters that are otherwise unaffected by begging, like the dominatrix or the demoness
MG: Fixed a bug where the demon broadsword would always transform upon being removed from the stone
MG: Fixed a bug where robobellboys were far too eager to outfit the player with trainee items
MG: Fixed an issue where the mechanic could transform into the demon lord, but the game wouldn't say anything about it
MG: Fixed a bug where ritual beads couldn't be "redeemed" with the dark altar
MG: [Mythical Creature Fetish] Fixed a bug where the hellhound's orgasm sometimes wouldn't count for the purposes of quests
Aika: Christmas content disabled
Aika: A few new items...
Aika: Frilly swimsuit
Aika: Maid waitress dress
Aika: Business vest dress
Aika: Addressed an issue where robobutlers were summoning plugs with stupid sizes.
Aika: Fixed a bug where the nipple chain could not be summoned when there was displaced chest covering clothing.
Aika: Fixed a bug where nearly all NPCs were using the submission speech flavour meant for only one specific NPC.
Aika: Fixed a runtime error every turn when the player was a priestess with the abyssal tattoo.
Aika: Fixed a bug where when a cultist sat on your face, she'd then just keep chanting forever rather than riding you.
Aika: Fixed a bug where some NPCs such as tentacle monsters had the wrong flavour when destroyed by Xavier.
Aika: Fixed a bug where the dungeon warp portal would 50% of the time be the wrong portal, and always take you to the school.
Aika: Fixed a bug where the pair of crotchless sheer nylon bloomers was missing its text shortcut.
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15-Июл-19 01:04:00 (спустя 2 часа 46 минут, ред. 15-Июл-19 01:31:09)


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Запускается с помощью Windows Git. Открываешь "Git.exe" и выбираешь .gblorb-файл той версии в которую хочешь играть (версии отличаются только куклой ГГ).
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20-Авг-19 15:26:16 (спустя 1 месяц 5 дней)


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Тайлер Дерден

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20-Авг-19 15:57:07 (спустя 30 минут)


Если есть у кого 5.2 strateg версия, скиньте плз.
Strateg Version - R10 V5.2
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